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Manufacturing upgrades drive the demand for robots to build bases
Publish:Shenzhen Shian Power Technology Co., Ltd.  Time:2019-01-14  Views:315
The shipbuilding industry is one of South Korea‘s most important manufacturing and pillar industries, and it is also a major exporter of Korean foreign trade, bringing huge trade surplus to South Korea every year. In the past few years, South Korea’s shipbuilding industry’s export volume and foreign trade surplus have topped the list among South Korea’s seven major export industries. The export value of ships in 2010 and 2011 was US$46.7 billion and US$54.1 billion respectively. The amount fell below $40 billion. Therefore, the trend of the shipbuilding market is affecting Korea‘s sensitive “economic nerves”. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the “clear and sunny” of the shipping market has become a hot spot for analysis and forecasting by the Korean industry.
   Forecast: The ship market is expected to improve but still in the short term
   South Korea‘s financial sector and related industries are generally cautious about the outlook for the international shipbuilding market in 2013, but most believe that the ship market in 2013 will be better than 2012. According to the “Meteorological Map” of the pillar export industry in South Korea published by the Korea Trade Association in 2013, the shipbuilding industry was “rainy” in 2012 and “cloudy” in 2013, and the meteorological level was on a higher level. South Korea’s large-scale consortium organization, the Korea National Federation of Economic People, believes that although the shipbuilding and shipping market will be better than 2012, it is still difficult to get out of the shadow of the slow growth of the world economy and the European debt crisis. Market analysts and researchers of several major securities companies in Korea believe that although the ship market may be slightly improved, the overall sluggish state of the shipbuilding industry will continue, and the market orders will increase slightly compared to 2012, but shipbuilding companies The total number of hand-held ship orders may fall back, and the current situation of low ship prices is difficult to change. The market value of Korean ship-listed stocks may fall.
    A study conducted by South Korea’s “Korean Daily” commissioned by the Korean securities industry intelligence information company ENGIDE shows that the profits of large Korean shipping companies will decline in 2013. The study believes that due to the European financial crisis will cause economic negative growth in EU member states, Europe‘s financing capacity as the center of the international ship financing market continues to shrink, which will make it difficult to significantly increase the order volume of new ships. The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry believes that several large shipping companies in Korea will strengthen their efforts to capture the market in the field of offshore equipment and liquefied natural gas (LNG) transport vessels. Global oil and gas development, especially the large-scale development of shale gas and natural gas in the United States, will be Drive orders for LNG ships increased.
 In contrast, the market outlook of large shipbuilding companies in South Korea is called “careful” by Korean media. Li Zaicheng, general manager of modern heavy industry, said: "The economic downturn in developed countries will continue, the economic growth rate of developing countries will also slow down, and the world economy will enter a stage of low growth, which makes our business environment more difficult; shipbuilding It is difficult for the market of the main sector to get out of the downturn in the short term."
    The president of the Korea Shipbuilding Association is also served by Da Zaihao, general manager of Daewoo Shipbuilding. On January 10th, the Korea Shipbuilding Association held a New Year group meeting for the Korean shipbuilding industry in 2013. Gao Zaihao said in his group meeting on the prospects of this year‘s international shipbuilding market that the world economy has entered a stage of low-speed growth and international trade growth has slowed considerably. In the past few years, the average annual growth rate of world trade was around 6%. Last year and this year, the level of growth will be around 2.5~2.6%, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the growth rate of the material flow in the shipping market, directly affecting the shipbuilding sector. He said: "It is expected that South Korea‘s ship exports and new ship orders will be the most difficult year since the financial crisis this year. The overall market environment has made it impossible for us to lift the ‘tightness‘ and we must not relax."
  In addition to the above two major shipbuilding companies, the Korean shipping industry‘s forecast for this year‘s market is that although the world economy is in a downturn, it may turn better in the second half of the year. Therefore, the shipbuilding market is likely to show a trend of “before low and then high”; Although the capacity is excessive, the energy-saving and environmentally friendly merchant shipping market is optimistic, and Korean shipping companies have certain technological advantages in comparison with competitors in this field. Therefore, Korean shipping companies are looking forward to the acquisition of energy-saving and environmentally-friendly merchant shipping orders; in addition, South Korea The shipbuilding industry has great confidence in the receipt of orders for offshore equipment.
In the domestic manufacturing industry, especially in the industrial fields of assembly, dispensing, handling, welding, etc., robot applications have become a hot spot and a general trend. Some well-known companies have begun to use a large number of robots, including Huawei, ZTE, and BYD. Foxconn also suspended recruitment and developed a million robot strategy. All this shows that our robots are getting closer to the manufacturing industry and will become a major trend in development.
In addition, the State Council issued the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Strategic Emerging Industries", which also promoted the development of the Chinese market. In hospitals, homes and some service industries, robots are used to accelerate industrial upgrading. This huge market has also caused domestic and foreign companies to look at them.
Although China‘s robot application field is broad, but in the field of robotics in China, 80% of the market share is still occupied by multinational companies. This market, which is urgently needed to be broken, and has such potential, is also a good opportunity for the development of Chinese enterprises. At present, many governments have introduced corresponding policies, including Shanghai, Kunshan, Tangshan, Chongqing, etc., to introduce R&D and manufacturing enterprises, and strive to build a local robot industry and seize the robot market.
The use of industrial robots in China is increasing, and the demand for robots is greatly increasing. It is expected to reach 35,000 units in 2015, making it the largest market in the world. In addition, China‘s current structural shortage of labor and rising labor costs in manufacturing have promoted the development of China‘s robot industry. The demand for industrial transformation and upgrading has enabled industrial robots to accelerate their development.
At present, the main applications and manufacturing of robots are also applied in the fields of coal brick making, concrete machinery, hospitals, homes and some service industries, military, scientific research and aerospace. Although China‘s robot industry will develop rapidly, due to the lack of autonomy in key components of robots, such as servo motors, reducers, controllers and sensors for key components, this will be a challenge that must be faced in the development of China‘s robot industry.
(Source: Internet)
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